Thursday, April 20, 2017

Episode 1-Stop Cyber Bullying

I discuss my experience with bullying, other individuals' experience with cyber bullying, my new project, and ways to avoid being bullied online and in person. 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Text Message Fails

This is Idongesit Eshiet or Idong. If you have been following my #StopCyberBullying campaign, I have a new project I want to share with you. It's called Text Message Fails. What this is I want everyone to send photos of text messages. They don't have to be real. They can be funny, hateful, or not make any sense. As long as it's entertaining. Afterwards we can share and discuss ways to avoid situations like this in real life such as: auto correct, common sense, digital safety, etc. In this case, it's the Think Before You Type method. I hope you enjoy it. Thank You!

Here's an example:

We have a mother texting her daughter. The mom wanted to text the word perfect but it auto-corrected to pregnant. And the daughter apparently admits that she really is pregnant.